Friday 31 March 2023

Why did Titanic ship Sink?

 Why did Titanic Ship Sink?

The Titanic sink is one of the most well known disasters in history.

A metallurgical cause is considered the main failure reason for The Titanic sink.

What happened?

When the Titanic hit the iceberg, the steel plates split open and continued cracking as the water flooded the ship.

 - Low water temperatures and high impact loading also caused the brittle failure of the rivets used to fasten the steel plates to the ship's main structure. Brittle failure (The brittle-ductile transition): At low temperatures (as shown in photo), all materials undergo a transition from ductile behavior to brittle behavior.

The failure of the steel resulted from brittle fractures caused by:-

 - The high sulfur content of the steel.

- The low temperature water on the night of the disaster.

- The high impact loading of the collision with the iceberg.

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Inspection reference- ASME SEC VIII