Thursday 13 April 2023

Difference between QS-QA-QC

 What is the difference between System Quality (QS), Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)?

System Quality (QS) refers to the set of policies, procedures and processes put in place by an organization to ensure that its products or services meet quality, safety and regulatory compliance requirements. It is a proactive approach to quality management that involves rigorous planning, consistent implementation and constant monitoring to ensure expected results are achieved.

Quality Assurance (QA) is a systematic evaluation process to ensure that products or services meet established quality standards. Quality assurance is a proactive approach that aims to prevent errors or defects before they occur. It is often associated with activities such as risk analysis, test planning and process auditing.

Quality Control (QC) is a reactive approach to quality management that involves detecting and correcting errors or defects after they have occurred. Quality control usually involves activities such as inspection, testing, and verification to ensure that products or services meet established quality standards. Quality control is often seen as a necessary but insufficient step to ensure the quality of products or services, as it occurs after errors or defects have occurred.

In summary, the quality system aims to establish processes and systems to ensure quality, quality assurance aims to prevent errors or defects before they occur, and quality control aims to detect and correct errors or defects after they have occurred.

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Inspection reference- ASME SEC VIII