Monday 3 April 2023

Natural Draft Fired Heater Burner

 Natural Draft Fired Heater Burner (3D model using AVEVA E3D & Keyshot)

Natural-draft burners rely on primary air being drawn into a burner mixing chamber via kinetic energy that is created by the gas stream entering the burner orifice.

How does air naturally drawn in burner? Once the main burner flame is established, the heater stack or chimney is heated by the combustion process, creating a vacuum known as the chimney effect. As the hot air rises, the fresh air required for combustion is continually drawn into the combustion chamber and burner.

Burners can operate with either fuel gas or fuel oil with atomizing steam. In the case of fuel oil, the steam is used to atomize the fuel into small droplets, which are easier to ignite and burn efficiently.

An oil gun is essentially a tube or nozzle that sprays the fuel oil into the burner chamber. The oil is ignited by the pilot flame.

The pilot is a small flame that remains lit continuously and is used to ignite the main burner when the fuel is turned on.

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Inspection reference- ASME SEC VIII